Young Artist: Discovering Arts & Crafts

Introducing Art to your kids at a very young age will definitely spark the creativity in them. Arts and crafts will also improve their fine motor skills as well as improving their hand eye coordination. Through these arts and crafts classes, they will be able to identify shapes, colors and textures, the use of basic materials to create something new and to appreciate their potential to be great artists in the future. After each arts and crafts, your child will be able to produce their own projects and have fun while making them.

Enroll 1 Student Enroll 2nd Student Free
(Sibling, Parent, Guardian using 1 Screen)

Course Details:


Session 1: Geometric Art
Make use of simple shapes to create an geometric art piece

Materials: Paper, Colored markers, Ruler, 2-3 Different shaped objects to trace (Suggestions: Popsicle stick, Cardboard TP Roll, Jam bottle cap, Wooden block), Crayons

Session 2: Botanical Art
Learn careful observation and translate details onto paper

Materials: Paper, Pencil, Crayons, Leaves and/or flowers for drawing reference (Can be faux plants / dried leaves and flowers if live plants are not accessible)

Session 3: Self-Portrait
Learn careful observation and present oneself in drawing

Materials: Paper, Pencil, Mirror, Crayons


Session 4: Patterns
Explore shapes and colors to create unique patterns

Materials: Paper, Paint set, Cup of water, Tissue

Session 5: Painted Paper Collage
Practice freeform painting and play with abstract shapes to create a collage art

Materials: Paper, Paint set, Cup of water, Tissue, Scissors

Session 6: Landscape Painting
Learn basic art composition and depict a natural scenery

Materials: Paper, Paint set, Cup of water, Tissue


Session 7: Paper Weave
Understand overlapping pattern to create their own simple paper weaving

Materials: Assorted colored paper (at least 3 diff colors), Ruler, Pencil, Scissors, Glue, BBQ Stick or Chopstick, String

Session 8: Paper Cactus
Practice and develop cutting and pasting skills; Construct a paper sculpture

Materials: Assorted Colored paper, Pencil, Scissors, Glue, Colored Markers/Pencils, Small pot or cup

Session9: Paper Mosaic
Compose a picture using scraps and paper cut outs

Materials: Paper, Assorted colored paper or magazine pages cut into small pieces (to be prepared beforehand by an adult), Colored markers, Glue


Session 10: TP Roll Bird
Upcycle and transform discarded household materials into a DIY toy

Materials: Cardboard TP roll, Colored paper, Colored markers, Scissors, Glue, String, Hole Puncher

Session 11: Paper Plate MobileUpcycle and transform discarded household materials into a playful decor

Materials: Paper plate, Paint or Colored markers, Colored paper, Scissors, Glue, String, Hole Puncher

Session12: Soap Box Toy Camera
Upcycle and transform discarded household materials into a DIY toy

Materials: Empty soapbox, Colored paper, Colored markers, Cardboard TP Roll, Loose buttons

1 Session – P650
3 Sessions- P1875
6 Sessions – P3,600
9 Sessions – P5,175
12 Sessions – P6,600
No. of Sessions:
1 session
3 sessions
6 sessions
9 sessions
12 sessions

1 – 1.5 Hours


2x a week

Minimum No of Students:
Maximum No of Students:
Age Group:

3-9 years


To Be Announced

Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Session 8
Session 9
Session 10 
Session 11 
Session 12 

Monday and Wednesday