Voice Group Class: Musical Theatre

We make sure students are taught the healthy way of singing and at the same time be able to appreciate music as a whole. We use the Classical technique guided by our curriculum , however we give them a more structured program after interest has been instilled especially to the younger ones, so we may teach songs from different genre, seldom popular music (this is to keep them interested), mostly musical theatre,disney (to develop diction, and singing pronunciation of words), broadway and eventually classical songs as we develop their voice.
Course Details:
Objectives or Target Skills:
●To be able to prepare them for learning their songs and be able to warm up even when they are at home
●To assign songs appropriate for their age and vocal range
●To be able to sing the songs to be performed properly
● Vocal Exercises
● Vocal Range Classification
● Voice warm-up (Breathing, Staccato, Bowling ball, Voice Modulation, Stress Exercise, Tongue twister)
DAY 3 to 10
●Songs assignment
●Songs study
●Daily Vocal Warm Ups
DAY 10 to 12
●Preparation and Practice
Culminating Activity – To Be Scheduled
P 7,200
No. of Sessions:
12 sessions
40 mins
2x a week
Minimum No of Students:
3 students
Maximum No of Students:
12 students
Age Group:
6-9 years and 10+ years
Wed & Sat (7-9 years) 4:00pm-4:40pm
Wed & Sun (10+ years) 5:00pm- 5:40pm