Rubberstamp Carving

Carving block is traditionally used as a printmaking tool to cut images that can be reproduced a number of times. Many stampers, however, use carving block to create their own stamps, a process known as soft block carving.


Course Details:

Class Objectives:
1. Learn about the tools and basic techniques of rubberstamp       carving
2. Turn your own design idea into a reusable rubberstamp

Project Output: 1 to 3 pieces of Rubberstamps (Approx 2×2 inches each)

Materials (Supplied by Funrichment inclusive in Price):
– Basic Rubberstamp Carving Tool Set
– Rubber block
– Tracing Paper
– Ink pad

Materials (Prepared by participant):
– Pencil
– Cutting mat
– Paper
– Cutter


P 1500 – 1 session

No. of Sessions:

1 session


2 hours

Minimum No of Students:

5 students

Maximum No of Students:

Age Group:

12-17 years
