Music Edition: Ukulele

Lessons on the basics of playing the chosen instrument, includes basic techniques and basic music terminology familiarizationGroup Lessons on the basics of playing the chosen instrument, includes basic techniques and basic music terminology familiarization

Course Details:

Objectives or Target Skills

● To be able to tune their instruments and practice at home. This will also improve one’s listening skills

● Rhythm Patterns , Fingerboard Knowledge, Chords and Scales

● Performance Studies : Rhythm Playing and Melodies

Objectives or Target Skills
● To be able to tune their instruments and practice at home. This will also improve one’s listening skills

● Rhythm Patterns , Fingerboard Knowledge, Chords and Scales

● Performance Studies : Rhythm Playing and Melodies

Culinating Activity – To Be Scheduled 


                                 P 11,400*                       *Beginner Level

No. of Sessions:
12 sessions

1 Hour

Minimum No of Students:


Maximum No of Students:


Age Group:
7+ years

To be specified