Music Edition: Guitar

Lessons on the basics of playing the chosen instrument, includes basic techniques and basic music terminology familiarization

Course Details:

Objectives or Target Skills

● To be able to tune their instruments and practice at home. This will also improve one’s listening skills

● Rhythm Patterns , Fingerboard Knowledge, Chords and Scales

● Performance Studies : Rhythm Playing and Melodies

Objectives or Target Skills
● To be able to tune their instruments and practice at home. This will also improve one’s listening skills

● Rhythm Patterns , Fingerboard Knowledge, Chords and Scales

● Performance Studies : Rhythm Playing and Melodies

Culminating Activity – To Be Scheduled 


                                 P 11,400*                       *Beginner Level

No. of Sessions:
12 sessions

1 hour

Minimum No of Students:


Maximum No of Students:


Age Group:
7+ years

To be Specified