Draw Chibi Characters Using Procreate

This virtual workshop does not only show you how to draw Chibi characters, but also help you transition to the Digital Art world. Learn the basic functions and features of Procreate and start drawing in one of the most popular digital art apps available on the iPad.


Course Details:

Draw Chibi Characters with Procreate   

Materials: Ipad, Download Procreate App (P500), Any Stylus Pen

 Course Outline:

  • Quick Overview of Procreate’s Interface and Tools
  • Chibi Characters and their Defining Features
  • Drawing Chibi Characters with Basic Shapes (Short Demo)
  • Break (10 Minutes)
  • Line Art and Color (Short Demo)
  • Activity – Draw Your Own Chibi Character
  • Q and A (20 minutes)


P 650

No. of Session:

1 session

2 hours
Minimum No of Students:
Maximum No of Students:
Age Group:

10 – 11 years


To be Anounced