Draw Characters Using Procreate

This virtual workshop does not only show you HOW to draw characters, but also help you transition to the Digital Art world. Learn the basic functions and features of Procreate and start drawing in one of the most popular digital art apps available on the iPad. We will teach you the fundamentals of character drawings from hand/wrist exercises to character breakdown using shapes, sketches and down to maximizing the Procreate for coloring, highlights, and shadows
Course Details:
Session 1: Basic Shapes with Procreate
Learn the fundamentals of drawing with basic shapes. Study your favorite characters and learn how they are drawn and constructed.
- Hand and Wrist Stretches
- Overview of Procreates interface and its tools
- Activity: Breaking a Character into Basic Shapes
- Drawing Exercise: Spheres, Cubes, Cylinders, and Cones
Session 2: Character Creation
Create your own unique characters with basic shapes. Add physical details like hair, clothes, and facial features to give them their own look.
- Activity: Character Creation with Basic Shapes
- Presentation: Original Character Sketches
- Drawing with Layers
- Activity/Assignment: Line Art/Refined Sketch of Original Character
Session 3: Coloring and Layers
Discover different Procreate tools and brushes and bring your characters to life with color.
- Brushes and Color Drop Tool
- Coloring with Layers
- Grouping Layers
- Layer Limits in Procreate
- Activity: Coloring Your Character
Session 4: Shadows and Highlights
Add depth to your characters with shadows and highlights. Breathe personality into them with their own story.
- Light Source
- Game: Finding the Light Source in Pictures
- Blending Modes for Shadows and Highlights
- Activity: Adding Shadows & Highlights to Original Character
- Sharing: Who is your character and what is their story?
It is recommended that students have Ipads with Procreate installed to maximize the learning by participating in hands on activities. Best to use a pen, any stylus pen that works with the ipad. The only difference with an Apple Pen is the pressure points.
Procreate is a paid app which the student will need to download and install in their Ipad. It is around P500.00 one time installment fee. Student can transfer the app from one Ipad to another as long as they use the same Apple ID.
Student may have them refer to the link below to know more about procreate. Pro-create is the global standard for illustrations design for static designs and animation.
Note: Never download procreate in Android tablet.

P 5,600
October 16, 23, 30, November 6
10 AM to 12 NN.