Art and Interactive Storytelling

Art classes for beginners. Kids will have fun while talking, listening while painting & doing crafting activities.

Course Details:

Storytelling Arts & Crafts(3-7 years)

Interactive stories
Related art & craft projects
Kids learn the values of harmony, friendship, love, Care & more.
Aims at Developing Comprehension & Expression

Materials (P850 excluded in Price): Colored Art Papers, Kiddie Scissors, Craft Glue, Paints, Black Permanent Marker, Glitters, Wobbly eyes, Art Paper. Set of two rounded stones.

Delivery Fee for the account of student.


4 Sessions P 3000
8 Sessions P 5600
12 Sessions P 7800
P850 (Materials)
No. of Sessions:

4,8, 12 classes


40-60 mins


1x a week

Minimum No of Students:

3 students

Maximum No of Students:

10 students

Age Group:

3-7 years


Sundays at 3pm