Drama: Musical Theatre

At the end of the lessons, the participants are expected to have gone through the rudiments of acting preparations, understanding stage semiotics, and other theater theories. The students would have learned proper breathing and vocal techniques; the value of observation, imagination, and concentration; character analysis and development; among others. Each is expected to be able to experience the art of performance.

Course Details:

Objectives or Target Skills

● To be able to set their attention in the workshop

● To help relieve tension and prevent injury during the session

● Concentration and warm ups To be able to sing the songs to be performed properly Activities


● Check-In

● Body warm-up

● Voice warm-up (Breathing, Staccato, Bowling ball, Voice Modulation, Stress Exercise, Tongue twister) Theater Games/Improvisation

● Whoosh

● Magic Ball

● Introduction and Applause

● Mirror

● What are you doing

DAY 3 to 6

●Songs study

DAY 7 and 8


DAY 10 to 12

●Preparation and Practice

Culminating Activity – To Be Scheduled 


P 8,400

No. of Sessions:
12 sessions
40 mins

Minimum No of Students:
3 students
Maximum No of Students:
12 students
Age Group:

6 – 11 years; 12 + years


Wed & Sat (6 -11 years) 4:00pm -4:40pm

Wed & Sat (12+ years) 5:00pm 5:40pm