Draw with Illustrator

Graphic Design is everywhere, from game sites to logos to your child’s favorite comic books or clothing.

Just like in Minecraft, give your child a chance to create something amazing by providing the right tool and skillset. Adobe Illustrator is the global standard for creating vector art. Allow your child to express his/her creativity through Adobe Illustrator!



Course Details:

“What will be covered
Getting Started with Adobe Illustrator

Getting Started with Adobe Illustrator
Exploring Illustrator Interface
Create and Saving Documents
Drawing Basics

AI Basic Tools Quick Guide
Basic Shape Tools
Pen Tool Basics
Editing Tools
Applying Color and Text

Applying Color and Gradients
Applying Gradient Mesh
Using Text in AI
Manipulating Artwork

Rotate and Reflect Commands
Envelop Distort
Blend Commands
Applying Effects”


P 6,000
No. of Sessions:
4 sessions
2 hours
Minimum No of Students:
7 students
Maximum No of Students:
15 students
Age Group:
8 – 15 years
July 27 – 30, 2021
3:00pm – 5:00pm